Play Family Action Garage



The Action Garage completed the Little People trilogy. The trilogy also included the #952 House and #915 Farm. The garage, house, and farm sets have proved perennial favorites after 30 years. The long-running popularity of the garage was more impressive considering how few accessories it had--only nine, the least pieces included in any large base-oriented playset. After 15 years with few alterations, #930 became a redesigned #2504 Play Family Garage and went through several identity crises for the next five years. 

The base itself is a 3-story parking garage with a masonite base, a white ramp, and a 3-story elevator. The elevator is operated by a crank on the side and a bell rings as the elevator moves moves up and down.

When the Garage set was first introduced, it was sold with a cardboard service van to store the accessories into. The van was designed to be like the storage silo used on the #915 Farm, but the cardboard box is nowhere near as sturdy, therefore, discontinued shortly after it was introduced. There is another small rectangular box that was sold with this set...plain cardboard with red print on the sides. Fisher-Price may had replaced the cardboard service van with the smaller cardboard box for a short time. Neither the van nor the small box were ever pictured nor mentioned in the dealer catalogues, but both are quite rare and by far the hardest pieces in this set to find.